How good people and inspiring workspaces could improve your health.

We’ve become all too familiar with the negative impacts of isolation this year. In the Ministry of Health’s survey during Auckland’s Level 4 lockdown they observed that 31% of people experienced feelings of loneliness or isolation at times, and 8% reported depressive or anxiety related symptoms (May, 2020).

Human contact is an integral part of our wellbeing and something that has been less attainable this year than ever before.

Luckily, we’re adaptable creatures and change need not be the end of social interaction for us. Video calls, socially distanced chats and elbow taps in lieu of handshakes are all a part of the new normal.

At The Hangar, we all breathed a sigh of relief when our doors re-opened (again) at level 2.5 and we worked to do our bit to ensure members could enjoy the company of others in a safe working environment.

While we might enjoy the odd WFH day in our PJ’s, for many, having a routine and a workspace away from home helps increase productivity and wellbeing. We can all appreciate that the concept of work-life balance certainly has its challenges when there is no physical separation of space.

As individuals we have our own preferences for how we work and look after our wellbeing. If you’re someone who thinks that a dedicated space away from home and a few like-minded humans to chat with during the day might work for you, then we would love to meet you.

We’re open Monday to Friday and can offer flexible membership options that suit you.

If you’re looking for other tools and resources to help you cope with your own mental health or if you’re feeling particularly isolated while working remotely, we highly recommend you check out Mental Health Foundation NZ.


Steph Bidois